Staff Picks
APLS staff members are often asked what books or videos or other items they like. As a rule, the library works with the patron to find what that person likes to read or watch. We have many resources that compare authors or works with others to help recommend items.
Nevertheless, we have our favorites too, and have been asked about them. Over the next few months, we will introduce you to some of them. For the month of August, two APLS staff members were asked to share their choices!
Adult Services - Decatur
The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple
Chosen by Tonya Sudduth
The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple is an inspirational story that I believe every person in the world should take the time to sit down and
read and then take time to reflect.
The people in this story kept saying "Ess-Bee-Kay" to each other like an inside
joke. I had no Idea what they meant by "Ess-Bee-Kay.
I don't want to say too much about the story line but I will tell you that
Ess-Bee-Kay means to always strive to be Strong Brave and most importantly KIND.
There are not a lot of these books available but you can go to your local library and
the librarian should be able to find a copy for you to read or you could purchase a copy and donate it to your local library.
Children's Services - Decatur
Monet's Cat by Lily Murray and Becky Cameron
Chosen by Melissa Pence
This book is about Claude Monet's cat statue that comes to life and goes on a few adventures.
What were the main themes of this book?
The main theme is art in this book.
What surprised you about this book?
I was surprised that the cat statue in the book really exists in real life.
What is the mood of this book? Happy? Funny? Dramatic? Scary?
This is a happy, funny book.
What made this book stand out to you? The writing style? The characters?
The story and the illustrations. I loved how they created a story around this cat statue.
Are there any books you would compare this one to?
Yes, there is a book somewhat similar to this one called Katie and the Starry Night by James Mayhew & Lee Wildish
Who would you recommend this book to?
I would recommend this book to any who loves art.